"These that have turned the world upside down, are come hither also." ACTS xvii, 6.
It has always been the policy of the advocates of error, when unable to sustain themselves by sophistry, specious reasoning and false logic, to stigmatize the advocates of the truth as innovators, disturbers of the peace, and dangerous to the harmony and interests of the community. Such was the course pursued by those who uttered the language of the text. Paul and Silas, having been released from the Macedonian prison, where they had been confined for preaching the Gospel, took their departure from Philippi, and passing through Amphipolis and Apollonia, "they came to Thessalonica, where was a synagogue of the Jews." Here Paul, according to his usual custom, met the Jewish rabbis and teachers, and reasoned with them out of the Old Testament Scriptures, concerning Jesus of Nazareth proving to them that he was the Meesiah. His reasoning on this subject was so forcible, that many of the Jews were convinced, and professed their faith in the Saviour. This stirred up the hatred and envy of the discomfited rabbis; and, finding themselves unable to cope with the superior logic and masterly reasoning of Paul, they enlisted the prejudices of the rabbis, and gathered a mob, and created a riot, and endeavored to lay violent hands on the disciples, and thus accomplish by force and superior numbers, what they could not effect by fair argument. Their accusation against the disciples is contained in the words of the text: "These that have turned the world upside down, are come hither also." My theme is,
I. THE AIM OF THE RELIGIOUS REFORMER. A Reformer is one who seeks to
remove abuses which have crept into an organization or community, or one who boldly enters
a field where error has held undisputed sway, and fearlessly wields amid giant powers of
opposition, the weapons of truth. He aims to entirely revolutionize the minds of the
community in which he labors, on that particular subject where he believes reform to he
needed. A compromise between truth and error is not what he seeks, and will not satisfy
him. "The truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth," is his
motto. Old systems of error, however sacred on account of their antiquity, he boldly
attacks. Though massive darkness has long brooded over the people, he aims to dissipate
the gloom, and shed upon them brilliant rays of light. His work is a mighty one;
the end for which he labors is noble and sublime. He holds a position in advance of
the community in which he resides, and the age in which he lives hence he possesses
traits of character that are peculiar, which fit him to toil and suffer for the
accomplishment of his designs.
A spirit of noble daring is his. He
fears not to grapple with error, though sanctioned by age, and supported by popular favor.
He scruples not, if need be, to stand alone, as the champion of truth. With undaunted
intrepidity he braves the "world's dread laugh" or meets its frown. With a
spirit of indomitable perseverance, he steadily adheres to his purpose and determinedly
pursues his single object. Every obstacle thrown across his path affords a new incentive
to increased activity. Every difficulty he meets, only gives new strength and inspires
fresh courage. He is not to be turned aside. Having put his hand to the plough, he looks
not back.
Self-sacrificing effort and benevolent labor
are his. His time, talents, property, are all laid upon the altar of truth. He toils,
not to achieve a name, to amass wealth, or to advance a sect. He labors for the good of
others, while often he receives only their hatred, reproach and persecution. If there is
one picture on earth that reminds us, more than any other, of the meek and lowly Saviour,
it is the spirit and conduct of the reformer, patiently suffering at the hands of those
whose moral elevation he labors to effect. And here is the test by which the true and
false reformer may be tried and discovered. Infidelity boasts of seeking a reform. But
when did Infidelity ever inspire its advocates with a spirit of self-denial for the good
of others? Where are its sacrifices made to benefit and elevate the human race? Did
infidelity ever suffer to benefit man? Does it to-day go forth, as an angel of
mercy, to labor, to suffer, and to bless? No, no. But the true reformer has a high
purpose, a benevolent aim; he occupies holy ground, and he can suffer, unjustly suffer, to
benefit his fellow-men. Let us notice,
All Reforms are attended with agitation and conflict, but none more so than reforms in
religion. At first, the reformer may attract but little attention. His attacks on error
may appear so feeble, and his efforts to advance the truth may seem so faint, that the
opponents of truth may esteem only the smile of ridicule and scorn necessary to throw his
work into insignificance, or a slight exertion of authority sufficient to extinguish it.
But let him continue with boldness, energy and eloquence, to plead for truth and begin to
make an impression upon the public mind, and gather adherents around him; then will his
adversaries become agitated and alarmed. Like the fierce storm, lashing into foam the
waters of the mighty deep, they stir up the popular mind, until the entire community moves
in angry surges, and persecution and violence ensue. The more bold the onset, the more
forcible the elucidation of truth, the more numerous the adherents to the reform, the more
fiercely will the advocates of error oppose the effort, and the more desperately will they
seek to crush by force, or circumvent by cunning, what they cannot master by argument, or
defeat by sound logic.
In such an event, the reformer labors under
every disadvantage. He is reproached as a disturber of the public peace. He is
regarded as the cause of all the confusion and uproar, and must bear all the odium
connected with it. Look at the text and its connection. The disciples had peacefully
taught in the synagogue in Thessalonica, yet all the uproar was charged upon them:
"These that have turned the world upside down, are come hither also." Thus it
has ever been. The opposers of reform have lashed into fury the elements of political
strife, and then have charged the peace-loving disciples of truth with all the disastrous
The reformer is also reproached as an innovator.
He is opposing old customs and popular usages. He seems to be ruthlessly trampling on
all that has been held beautiful and venerable. He seems to be setting up individual and
novel opinions against the united and established wisdom of ages. He seems to be
destroying every thing and advancing nothing. He seems to be a reckless intruder,
trespassing on ground rightfully occupied by others. He seems to touch sacred things with
an impious hand. He seems to be sowing dissensions, destroying hallowed institutions, and
introducing unauthorized innovations. But he perceives that these old forms and venerated
institutions are the offspring of error, and that truth and right demand their
extermination; in the name of God, therefore, he goes forth, to overturn, to
revolutionize, and to reform.
He is further reproached as illiberal,
uncharitable, bigoted, and narrow-minded. Because he refuses to call error truth, and
darkness light, and wrong right, the slaves of error, the victims of darkness, and the
followers of wrong conclude that he is uncharitable and narrow-minded. They forget that it
is the highest charity to expose error and oppose wrong, and that only the largest minds
and most benevolent hearts will seek to disseminate light and dispel darkness, even though
"the darkness comprehendeth it not."
There never yet was a reform attempted, that
did not suffer the reproach of the dominant party. Look at that old reformer Lot:
"This one fellow came in to sojourn, and will needs be a judge." Look at Moses,
the prophets, John the Baptist, Martin Luther, Roger Williams. All these were reproached
as innovators, and virtually charged with "turning the world upside down." But
the greatest innovator that ever appeared in our world was Jesus Christ. He was the Great
Reformer. He aimed directly to abolish the old dispensation and make al1 things new. He
paid no respect to the antiquity of the scribe, the morality of the Pharisee, or the
sanctity of the priest. He threw himself upon the merits of the truths he delivered, and
declared himself a radical innovator and reformer. Did not He meet reproach? Let the
purple robe, the reed sceptre, the thorny crown, the mocking homage, and the blood-stained
cross reply.
The apostles were reproached. The Gospel which
they preached was a great innovation upon old and venerable institutions. No reform could
ever be compared with that which they sought to effect. They aimed to overturn all the
religions in the world. Hence they were accounted "vagabonds, fools, and moon-struck
madmen." They were treated with ridicule, scorn, and contempt. They, a few ignorant
fishermen, seeking to abolish those religions which had stood for centuries, and which had
gathered around them all the charms of history, philosophy, and poetry; religions whose
massive temples towered in majestic splendor to the very clouds religions which
numbered among their devotees, crowds of kings and heroes, artisans and sages, and which
were cherished by the most powerful and refined nations of the earth. It is not strange
that at first they were only deemed worthy of ridicule; nor is it surprising, that as
success crowned their persevering labors, they became the subjects of violent hate and
bitter persecution. They were shaking the foundations of ancient superstitions, they were
disturbers of' the public peace, they were detestable innovators, they were hateful
reformers, in short, they were "turning the world upside down."
This kind of reproach Baptists especially have
been called to endure. They are great innovators. Of all persecuted sects, the Baptists
stand forth as most prominent, simply and only because they aim at a more complete and
thorough reform than any others ever attempted. They teach that Christ's kingdom is not of
this world; that the church is not a national, political, or provincial establishment; but
a congregation of holy men, separated from the world by the receiving of the Holy Spirit.
They seek to "turn the world upside down " not in the odious sense, but in
the proper and desirable sense. The world is wrong; it is morally wrong side up; it needs
to be revolutionized, and primitive Christianity alone can do it. This is the instrument
by which Baptists aim to accomplish their design. By the propagation of primitive
Christianity, they confidently expect to achieve a complete and entire Reformation in the
Pagan, Romish, and Protestant world, and bring the race of man back to God. We pass on to
religious reformer must ultimately triumph. However opposed, reproached, and persecuted,
he triumphs. Even when he appears to be discomfited he triumphs. While he struggles on in
adversity, and while sad reverses meet him in his work, still he triumphs. The power of
the truth is manifest in the support it yields him amid these disheartening circumstances.
The consciousness that he has discharged his duty with fidelity, fills his mind with
peace. He feels that the smile of God is upon him; hence the frowns of the opposers
of truth, and their anathemas, are lighter than vanity to him. He esteems "the
reproaches of Christ greater riches than all the treasures" of earth. The shame of
the cross he counts greater honor than all the applause of the world, and the martyr's
death is to him sweeter than all earthly pleasures. He exhibits a dignity of character
that far outshines all others, and totally eclipses, on the historic page, all his
slanderous persecutors. He is as far superior to the time-serving demagogue, as are the
burning beams of the meridian sun to the last sickly rays of the feeble taper, flickering
in its socket, and just ready to expire. He knows no fear of consequences. Duty, it is his
to perform results, are God's to control. He stands firmly, as the rock in the
ocean, unmoved amid the howlings of the tempest and the fury of the waves. For him there
is a, glorious future, however dark the hour of trial may be; and though for a time he
endures reproach, he will have a name when his persecutors have perished and are
Every true religious reformer that ever lived
in our world triumphed. Daniel, and the three Hebrew worthies, possessed the spirit,
endured the reproach, and achieved the triumph of Reformers; they saw their enemies
clothed with shame, and the cause of God, which they had espoused, gloriously advanced.
And though their pathway to success lay through the lions' den and the burning furnace,
these only made their triumph more sublime, and shed a new halo around their names. Martin
Luther triumphed and though Rome anathematized and bitterly execrated him, the name
of the poor monk of Erfurth is honored wherever evangelical Christianity prevails; while
the distinguishing doctrine for which he contended has become one of the strong bulwarks
of the Protestant world, and the terror of Antichrist. Roger Williams triumphed
though banished from the Massachusetts colony, and driven into the desert wilds among the
Indians. The religious liberty for which he suffered, and which American citizens today
enjoy, forms the most distinguishing and pre-eminent glory' of our country. How superior
the fame of such men to that of the mere military hero! Napoleon won his fifty battles;
William Carey translated the Bible into almost as many different languages; and while
to-day the name of Napoleon begets sentiments of disgust, or wakes emotions of unhallowed
ambition, the name of William Carey touches a chord in every Christian breast, arousing to
new life and to more unreserved consecration to Christ, the energies of the ablest and
best of Zion's sons and daughters.
There is a great deal of this work of reform
before the church at the present day. Especially is this true of the Baptist churches of
this country. They are prepared to labor for a more thorough reformation than any others
can undertake. There are forms of error, productive of incalculable mischief, which none
others can consistently attack; while all others retain and seek to perpetuate the
unscriptural dogma of infant baptism, which with every other traditionary rite must be
abolished, before the world's revolution will be complete. Let it be remembered that each
has a personal interest and responsibility in this matter. Let the inquiry be, "Lord,
what wilt thou have me to do?" Every Christian is to aim to reform, first himself;
then the world. The Word of God must be our weapon. With this, old forms of error must be
attacked, and the conflict only end when the field is left in possession of truth.
"Wherefore, seeing we also are compassed about with so great a cloud of witnesses,
let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which doth so easily beset us, and let us run
with patience the race that is set before us, looking unto Jesus, the author and finisher
of our faith, who, for the joy that was set before him, endured the cross, despising the
shame, and is set down at the right hand of the throne of God."
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