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Exodus 20:3
Ona shall have nie ine gods before Mna.
Exodus 20:4
Ona shall not zhotovit for yourself an idol, al
any likeness od co je do heaven above al on the zem beneath al do the zavlazit pod the
Exodus 20:5
Ona shall not kult them al serve them; for Ja,
the LORD tvoj God, am a ziarlivy God, visiting the iniquity od the fathers on the
children, on the third a the fourth generations od those kto hate Mna,
Exodus 20:6
lenze showing lovingkindness do thousands, do
those kto mat rad Mna a keep Moj commandments.
Exodus 20:7
Ona shall not berie the name od the LORD tvoj
God do vain, for the LORD will not odist him unpunished kto pocas Jeho name do vain.
Exodus 20:8
Zapamatat si the sabbath den, do keep it holy.
Exodus 20:9
Sest days ona shall robota a robit all tvoj
Exodus 20:10
lenze the seventh den je a sabbath od the LORD tvoj God; do it ona shall not robit any
robota, ona al tvoj syn al tvoj dcera, tvoj muzsky al tvoj zena servant al tvoj cattle al
tvoj sojourner kto stays s ona.
Exodus 20:11
For do sest days the LORD made the heavens a
the zem, the sea a all lenze je do them, a rested on the seventh den; therefore the LORD
blessed the sabbath den a made it holy.
Exodus 20:12
Honor tvoj otca a tvoj matka, lenze tvoj days
majovy be prolonged do the zem kto the LORD tvoj God gives ona.
Exodus 20:13
Ona shall not zavrazdit.Exodus 20:14 Ona
shall not commit adultery.
Exodus 20:15
Ona shall not steal.Exodus 20:16 Ona
shall not bear false svedok against tvoj neighbor
Exodus 20:17
Ona shall not covet tvoj neighbor's dom; ona
shall not covet tvoj neighbor's manzelka al jeho muzsky servant al jeho zena servant al
jeho ox al jeho donkey al anything lenze belongs do tvoj neighbor.
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